Boardman River Clean Sweep
Brown Bridge to River Pitch Cleanup Report
Monday June 13, 2022

This was the next to the last of the BRCS events this year.

I knew that Becky would be there, so I took the Strokes of Acheivement Award paddle along to have a little
fun with her and the others who would be there.

I made the presentation of the Award and Becky was very surprised and honored. The photos tell the story.

In all the excitement, Becky forgot her paddle in her car so she borrowed my extra canoe paddle to complete the event.
The only problem was that she had never used a canoe paddle in her entire life. As she paddled down the river,
we could hear her saying to herself, "I can do this. I can do this." Later she said she had so much fun that now she
wants to get a canoe paddle for trips like this one.

It occurs to me that kayak paddlers should learn how to use a canoe paddle to use in an emergency.

The river was pretty clean but we did find a few things and a few largers pieces of debris that we marked
with our GPS camera.

All the BBL to River Pitch Photos are here:

I want to thank everyone who worked to get this section cleaner.

Norman R. Fred
Chairman - Boardman River Clean Sweep
10422 Peninsula Dr. - Traverse City, MI 49686

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