BRCS - 2 Guys - Shumsky to Beitner Report
September 01, 2016

I helped the Bethlehem Luthran Church buy a new kayak and I couldn't let anyone use it without a test run. John
and I decided to take a short trip on the Boardman from Shumsky to Beitner. We had to do a cleanup! The river was
amazingly clean but we did find two dock pieces which we floated out to the nearest property and we found 1/2 a bag of
the ususal trash. We came back later to pick up the dock pieces and we took them to the DNR dump.

Here are the photos:

The rest goes to the DNR wood pile on Mill Rd.

Norman R. Fred
Chairman - Boardman River Clean Sweep
10422 Peninsula Dr. - Traverse City, MI 49686

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